Today’s Co-Learning we had a full table in the Toni-Areal’s main hall…

Co-Learning on Stempber 4th

Today’s Co-Learning we had a full table in the Toni-Areal’s main hall…

Here, an extract of what we did:

ale & cc: had a quick look at passing values by reference and at templates:

  • yes, there are ways to create a proof of concept where a reference points to a variable that got out of scope
  • templates are easy when the example is short.

we also looked at some of cc’s source code and discusded refactoring ideas


  • learn’t more basics in Python (intergers, floating numbers, operations etc.)

Richard and Luca:

  • Enhanced the MongoDB C++ application to read from the database


  • looking into adding to my graphic-engine support to render to macos window toolkit failed! will try again wih qt or electron.


  • Started writing a summary of the syntax of the Swift programming language


  • Had fun with Ansible, a great and elegant workframe for configuration management (written in Python; no, no, no, not by me! :-) )
  • Made a short Ansible demo on how to easily install SW and automatically reconfigure a VM with a pristine O/S installation. Ansible can be used to setup/configure your laptop, servers in the cloud, and even networking gear from different vendors. Have a look at it ( You’ll love it!